SuCiKaN DirI BerSiHkaN HatI By (+D-D+)
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Program: SuCiKaN DirI BerSiHkaN HatI By (+D-D+).exe Size: 69632 Bytes Source Directory: Source directory not found. ----------------------------------------- Yahoo Registry Paths: Registry path strings not found UPX: UPX not found Accesses Y! User ID: Doesn't seem to access saved user id Accesses Saved Y! Password: Doesnt seem to access EOptions string Magic Pass Stealer: Magic PS not detected! Other Notices: Connect to internet using winsock ocx Made in VB6 Controls / Libraries Found: MSWINSCK.OCX [ MSWinsockLib.Winsock ] Boton2007.ocx [ Boton2007.Boton ] XPControls.ocx [ XPControls.XPText ] XPControls.ocx [ XPControls.XPCombo ] COMDLG32.OCX [ MSComDlg.CommonDialog ] Control Cache Paths Found: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VB98\Boton2007.ocx C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VB98\vbc27721.ocx C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSWINSCK.ocx API Function Calls Found: SendMessage ----- Generated By: PS Detector 2.2 ---- --------- 8/1/2011 @ 8:52:45 PM --------- ---- ---- |
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